driving licence

UK driving licence in Spain

Spain wants an agreement with the UK on Gibraltar and driving licences that is comparable to the one before Brexit

According to sources in the Spanish Foreign Ministry, they have faith that Liz Truss can secure a post-Brexit agreement that will benefit foreign nationals who reside in both countries. The Spanish government has stated that it wants to establish a "new relationship" with the UK after Brexit and with the new Liz Truss-led UK government, in which a final agreement on Gibraltar is soon reached within the...

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Spain requests automatic access to the DVLA database in dealings for a driving license extension

BRITAIN and Spain are seeking to finalise an agreement that will allow Brits who remain in Spain for more than six months to extend their driving licence without swapping it for a Spanish one. However, it is thought that as part of any deal, Spain wants the UK to exchange information that will allow the nation to more effectively prosecute people who speed and commit other traffic violations once they...

Uik Driving Licence

UK driving licence holders in Spain update from HMA Hugh Elliott

The deadline for the exchange of the UK driving licence for a Spanish driving licence is currently under review in Spain. Currently, the deadline is December 31st, announced only this week by the UK government in Spain that a further extension has been asked for but has not yet been granted. Hugh Elliott explained by video message that the UK government had been working extremely hard to reach an...

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