A GANG that targetted beach goers in Benidorm and across the Costa Blanca, has been arrested by the National Police, and charged with violent robbery and belonging to a criminal organisation.
[vc_column width="2/3"]The five men, aged between 25 and 31, and of Spanish and Ecuadorian nationalities, were rounded up, after a British tourist was robbed by them on Tuesday. Police arrived at the scene at the undisclosed beach in Benidorm and the tourist told them that he was approached by two men who were looking for help.[vc_column width="1/3"]One of them then grabbed the Brit violently and tried to remove his watch, but the tourist struck back, with a third man appearing on the scene, who then helped to take a mobile phone and 120 euros from the victim´s bag. The trio then beat a hasty retreat and were joined by two others, who ran away in different directions.The National Police immediately launched a successful operation to track the thieves down, with the force saying that the gang ran a well-drilled plan. Like in the case of Tuesday´s British victim, two gang members would run the initial distraction on their “mark”, with a third man appearing to steal the items. The remaining two would wait for the others, before running away in opposite directions with the loot.By: Alex Trelinski

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