Have you already protected yourself with a Spanish will?

Sun Lawyers are the people to go to if you have not got a Spanish will already, and it is essential for all your assets in this country. It´s something that you need to protect yourself and those people that you want to see a benefit after you pass away.
Having a will in Spain is not compulsory, but it will certainly make life a lot easier in sorting out your estate and reducing the stress for your family and friends. Our team at Sun Lawyers have all the experience you need to draft a will, and with our guidance, it will be a straightforward matter to make sure your assets, including your property, are divided up according to your wishes. We are also fluent English speakers, so there are no language issues at all when you make contact with us.

Is your will from your country of origin valid?

Yes, it is, but actually getting a non-Spanish will enforced in Spain is actually a complicated process, but if that is what you prefer, we at Sun Lawyers will help you out on that front. All kinds of legal arrangements would need to be made, including officially approved translations into the Spanish language of a foreign will. Unsurprisingly, the whole inheritance process will be much slower as opposed to having a Spanish will to deal with your assets in this country. That´s why we at Sun Lawyers strongly recommend that all of your assets in Spain are covered by a Spanish will, and we are here to get it done for you!

Some important aspects

Sun Lawyers have identified some of the main advantages of getting a Spanish will, and we will be across all these aspects to give complete peace of mind:- In the Valencian Community, each beneficiary will not have to pay any tax on the first 100 thousand euros that they are bequeathed. The process of probate and sorting out the will must be done within six months, or those who are scheduled to benefit could be fined by the tax office. Sun Lawyers will make sure that the timescale is kept to. Without a Spanish will, any inheritors would need to apply for all the documents from your country of origin, such as the will and probate, and that would take time and a lot of hassle. Having a Spanish will is less expensive than activating a will from your country of origin. Crucially, all of your Spanish assets would be covered by your Spanish will

So, what should you do?

That´s a simple answer, as you should contact us at Sun Lawyers to get a Spanish will completed, and it is a very straight-forward process where we do all the legwork and arranging! You will have no worries as Sun Lawyers make an appointment with a notary, as well as getting all the correct details from you over what you want to have in your Spanish will. Sun Lawyers will also be with you for the formal signing of the will, and that is pretty much that! As mentioned earlier, having Spanish wills is not compulsory, but it’s an effective way of getting protected and making the inheritance process much easier. If you´ve got any questions, then please give us a ring at +34 965 321 193 Or send us an email at admin@sun-lawyers.com  We’ll be waiting to hear from you!

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