Shock as student stabs teacher

A school that is described as usually quiet and trouble free was put into lock-down after a teacher was stabbed by a 15 year old pupil on Tuesday last week.
The incident happened at the Misericordia secondary school in the Fuensanta district of Valencia City after an argument had started about the child’s end of term assessment. He suddenly produced a knife, stabbing the 40 year old teacher in the shoulder although not causing serious injury. His classmates threw chairs and other objects at the attacker, succeeding in getting him to stop before further injury could be caused; he then ran off. As the perpetrator was still on the loose with a weapon, the public address system at the college warned all pupils to stay in their classes while the situation was dealt with while it was stressed that this was not a drill. The police attended the incident and located the 15 year old on the roof of the school and he did not resist arrest. The youngster had no history of behavioural problems according to school sources; he is being detained in local police cells. Teachers unions have said that violence and threats of violence have risen by 13% in one year against their members, with two thirds of those being against female teachers. By Simon Russell

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