AFTER last week´s six month extension granted by the European Council before the UK is scheduled to leave the EU on October 31st, or perhaps much earlier if the Withdrawal Agreement is approved by the British Parliament, the UK Ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley, has penned another “open letter” to British residents.
In it, he states that the UK continues to be a full member of the EU, and all rights like healthcare, residency and EU-wide travel remain as they are.
Manley once again emphasises the need to be properly registered and that the Brexit extension period allows people to get to grips with getting a residencia certificate or card.
“During this extension period it remains really important to ensure that you are correctly registered, but I understand, that many of you are finding it difficult to get appointments.”
“Let me assure you that we are talking with the Spanish authorities about this, and the Spanish government has advised that if you can’t get an appointment now, you should make sure that you’ve got proof that you were living here before we leave the European Union, whether that be a padron certificate or utility bills.”
Manley added:- “The government also advises on their Moncloa website on Brexit contingency measures, to keep checking for new appointments to become available.”
“You will have until the end of the Implementation Period, currently set at December 31st, 2020, to register, if you have not done so already.”
“In case of a no deal, the government has said you will have a 21-month grace period from the date of our departure to register.” 

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