Exercise is just the right medicine

L’ALFAS del Pi is to become the first municipality in the Alicante province to prescribe exercise as an official medication. Health Councillor Marisa Cortes announced the plans this week following consultations with local health professionals. Known as the physical activity prescription project, it will be mainly aimed at those who are unwell primarily due to inactivity as well as some with problems such as social exclusion and loneliness. The preferred activity will be Nordic Walking, which helps tone up both the legs and upper body as well as being a good cardiovascular workout. There are also health workshops which take place at the Hogar del Pensionista and Centro Social de l’Albir and is a good social activity as well as helping increase fitness levels. Ms Cortes said that Alfas recognises that, for various reasons, its citizens are getting older than most towns and actions need to be taken to help keep all residents fit and healthy, physically and mentally.

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