Arrivals as the doors open in Spain

The most important step forward with the end of the state of alarm is the opening of all boarders, allowing travelers in and out of the country, travel and tourism will kick start the economy and almost immediately the airport authority AENA reported that 100 flights had arrived on Sunday from the European Union that included France and Italy and also from the Schengen area, although in total some 650 operations (departures and arrivals) were carried out that included 325 domestic arrivals also due to the internal mobility restrictions being ended. The regional governments take back their powers from Sunday after having 98 days under the national state of alarm, so what does the new normal look like? The royal decree was implemented last week that sets the rules for wearing face masks In public places where social distancing on 1.5 meters cannot be observed, other restrictions of capacity  were set as common rules in almost all regions. The president Pedro Sánchez praised the people for their commitment and sacrifice to fight the virus and warned that the awareness and real threat  of a second wave must be realized. The president said that the focus on the risk must be avoided at all costs, the responsibility for maintaining social distancing and general hygiene measures were amongst the most important in the continued fight to control a second outbreak.

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