Choirs for a good cause

JAVEA Rotary Club along with their counterparts in Denia and Benissa-Teulada have organised a musical evening to raise money towards a special multi-sensory classroom for the La Xara Occupational Day Centre. On the programme for the night are the Coral Benissenca, Coro Cadenza, Cor de la Rectoria, Conservatori Tenor Cortis, Conservatori Mestre Berenguer and Conservatori de Xabia, all choirs and groups from the Marina Alta area.   The venue is the Teulada Moraira Auditorium and the concert is on 31 May, starting at 8.30pm.  Tickets are €11 and can be purchased from the venue or through the instanticket website for the Auditorium.  There will also be a wine tasting and snacks at the halfway interval, served by pupils from the Raquel Paya School in Denia.

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