Two break-ins linked to same man

A 30 year old Romanian man has been arrested in connection with two shop burglaries in the early hours of last Wednesday morning, both at locutorios. A routine National Police patrol noticed the windows of one establishment had been broken and the alarm was sounding. They entered the premises and,seeing it had been raided, alerted other patrols to look out for suspicious activity. Meanwhile 091 operators reported that they had received a call from someone who witnessed the incident and were able to describe the thief and the direction they had run off in. This led the police to the suspect who had also cut his arm in the incident. A few hours after this the manager of another shop called in saying there had been a break in and theft.  CCTV footage showed this to be the same man who is in detention. He has now also been linked to a third burglary in Valencia earlier in May where €11,000 was taken

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