Javea Moors and Christians

The coastal town of Javea, also known as Xabia, will be enjoying their annual Moors and Christians celebrations from the 13th to the 21st July 2019. The fiesta includes parades of the Moors and Christians, mock battles, and late night partying!
Saturday 13th July 21:00 Parade through the streets followed by the firing of a single shot in Av. Jaime I and the switching on of the fiesta lights 22:00 Official inauguration of the fiesta in Paseo Jaime I.
Sunday 14th July 20:30 16th Music Concert in Calle Seville by the Xabia Artistic Centre for Music.
Tuesday 16th July
20:00 Parade through the old town along calles Príncipe de Asturias, Placeta del Convent, Virgen de la Merced, El Foguere finishing in calle San Jaime, where the flower offering will take place.
Wednesday 17th July 20:45 Flower Offering parade around the town. Route: Arcada de Pío X,Cristo del Mar, Andrés Lambert, Avenida Jaime I y Plaza Presidente Adolfo Suarez y Caleta, finishing at the Iglesia Parroquial de la Mare de Déu where the flower offering will take place.
Thursday 18th July
21:30 Landing of the Moors on the La Grava Beach with musket firing and fireworks, followed by the Embajada (negotiation) for the surrender of the castle by the Christians along Paseo Jaime I.
00:00 Batukada (drum parade) along calles Aduanas and Kabilas.
Friday 19th July 11:00 Children's Parade along Calles Pío X and Cristo del Ma 21:00 Battle on Playa de la Grava between the Moors and the Chirstians. 21:30 Reconquest of the castle (Paseo Jaime I) by the Christians, includes acts of negotiation and musket fire.
Saturday 20th July 19:30 Entrance Parade of the Music Bands.
20:30 Gala Parade of the Moors and Christians along Cristo del Mar, Lepanto and Avenida Jaime I
00:30 Correfoc, hand held fireworks parade along Calles Antonio Llido, Loreto Mare de Deu and Paseo Jaime I.
Sunday 21st July 19:00 Entrance Parade of the Music Bands along Paseo Jaime I 20:00 Gala Parade of the Moors and Christians, followed by a the firing of a 'troná' from Playa de la Grava to mark the end of the festival.

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