
Putting a spring in your step

THE Marina Alta Costa Blanca Floral Club’s next guest demonstrator is Christine Hughes, a member of the Association of Irish Floral Artists and an experienced teacher, judge and speaker in her chosen field. She will be presenting “A Spring in your Step” on 27 February at the usual venue of the Salon de Actos, La Senieta, Moraira where the doors open at 2pm for a 2.45 start. The admittance cost is...


Moraira Fiesta Patron Saints

The town of Moraira will be honouring two saint; Virgen de los Desamparados and the Virgen del Carmen during their annual fiesta from the 6th to the 21st July 2019. Saturday 6th July 22:30 Presentation of the Festeras and Festeros and the opening speech from the Explanada del Castillo Friday 12th July 19:00 Entrà de la Murta Parade with Traditional Dancers Saturday 13th July 23:30...

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