Do the robot dance

A team of four female students from the IES Gabriel Ciscar school in Oliva won third prize in the eleventh “Robot Challenge” competition organised by the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia. The category that Irene Cañamas, Claudia Mansanet, Marta Caudeli and Mireia Sanchez entered was “Robot Dance”. Fellow pupil Derecho Granadal also picked up third place in the Sumo fighting category.   All five are Technology and Robotics students at the secondary school and took their constructions down to Valencia earlier this month where a total of 272 teams ranging from primary age to university level took part. In the Robot Dance category, the robots had to dance for two minutes and were judged on best coordination with the music and most original choreography. In the Sumo category Derecho needed to build a robot with sensors whose aim was to remove its opponent from the combat zone.

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