Lockdown set to continue

Spanish Goverment
THE Spanish government has started paving the way for an extension of the nationwide State of Emergency (State of Alarm or lockdown) after an interview with a senior politician. Transport Minister Jose Luis Abalos was on Radio Nacional de España this morning and said “It (the lockdown) is currently fifteen days long because it is legally required to be fifteen days, but it is evident that we will have to extend the situation, we will see with what measures. In 15 days, I don't think we will have the capacity to win this battle” acknowledged the minister. Crucially, Mr Abolos is one of four ministers who have been charged with running the coronavirus “command centre” and it is likely that his statement has already been cleared with the Prime Minister and governing team, probably in an attempt to soften the blow when it comes. Commentators on the crisis (of which there are many) say that there are three probable scenarios. A return to normal, an extension or an extension but with new laws on what people can and cannot do. If the lockdown seems to be having a positive effect there may be some softening of the State of Emergency, bars being allowed to open with limited capacity, some businesses being allowed to re-open etc. However, if things have not improved or worsened there may be further restrictions than there are currently.

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