Eight women held captive in Marbella brothel

EIGHT women who were being held captive in the basement of a brothel in Marbella and sexually exploited by a gang of pimps and drug dealers, have been freed by the National Police.
An investigation started after a tip-off to a hotline, and when officers raided the house, they found it was being run as a 24-hour brothel with a bar. They freed the eight women and arrested 21 alleged members of a gang led by a Portuguese family. “The investigation found that the women were recruited in Spain,” the National Police said.“Some of them voluntarily sought work at the brothel while others were tricked with offers of work in a ‘massage parlour’. Once there they were subjected to a system of fines, exhausting days and threats.” Police also discovered that the women were forbidden to leave the basement and that the gang supplied cocaine and MDMA to its customers. By Alex Trelinski

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