Costa Blanca North

Saving the Castell

JAVEA’S Culture Department has opened a study into the much-needed rehabilitation works on the town’s Castell de la Granadella. Originally thought to be built as a fort or lookout post sometime around the 14th century it has sustained damage both from nature and man over the centuries, including being used as mine during the Napoleonic wars. The Castell received BIC protected status back in 1996 and...

Calling all bookworms

THE Original Charity Library in Javea is holding its Spring Book Sale at the Iceland supermarket in the town on 18 May, from 10am until 4pm. They have ensured there will be something for everyone on sale, covering contemporary novels, cook books, kids books, art, craft and biographies, all at the bargain price of 50 cents. To contact the library e-mail or you can visit...

European parks day on the Sierra Gelada

Hiking enthusiasts are being invited to take part in a guided traverse of the iconic ‘Ice Mountain’, which runs between Albir and Benidorm, as part of a European celebration day. The eight kilometre crossing of the Sierra Gelada mountain, which forms the majority of the National park of the same name, takes place later this month to celebrate European parks Day. Participants must be of a...

Rubbish clothing

AN unusual but potentially important ecological project was presented at last weekend’s Denia Boat Show. “Ecoalf, Up-cycling the Oceans” is an international initiative to turn marine waste into clothing. It was explained how rubbish was collected from the world’s sea and then turned into a top quality yarn which is then utilised to make clothing. There are three main objectives, eliminating...

Baloney, booze and heart attacks

LAST weekends Santa Faz festival in Alicante City attracted an estimated 300,000 visitors and as you would expect with that number of people the authorities were kept busy. There was a major operation to stop alcohol consumption by minors and as part of that 250 litres of alcohol were seized. The most serious health incidents were two people who suffered heart attacks one aged 71 and the other 51, both of...

Keeping an eye on kids vision

OLIVA’S Town Hall and the local Association of Traders have initiated a programme aimed at preventing visual impairment among the town’s younger residents. This is brought about by the constant exposure young eyes have to screens these days, not just TV but computer consoles, tablets and phones. In the 6 to 12 year old age group, who the programme is aimed at, this can damage eyes that are still in...

Special needs gap

AMPA, the parent’s association at the Trenc d’Alba school in Javea, have expressed concerns at the lack of staff in the special needs section of the centre. Trenc d’Alba is an SEN - Special Educational Needs - designated school but AMPA are saying that although the number of SEN students has increased the staffing levels have stayed the same. “As a consequence the children are not receiving the...

Fatal fall

A 67-year-old woman died on Sunday after falling down a steep cliff face in Denia. The tragedy occurred when the victim, a French national, was walking at the top of the cliffs in the les Rotes area. According to witness statements she bent over to pick a flower and fell, landing on rocks and probably dying instantly. Denia Local Police was the first on the scene but there was nothing that could be done...

Fancy a bit of culture at Easter?

MANY  people like to get out and about over Easter and locals and visitors alike will find plenty of events of a cultural nature in Denia over the first major holiday of the year.  Friday 26 April is the last in the quartet of classical concerts that started in January. This features the Quartet de Corda, a string quartet who will be performing classics from the likes of Haydn, Mozart, Johann Strauss...

Masterchefs in Denia

THE celebrity judges from the Spanish version of “Masterchef” have been filming in Denia, one of the culinary capitals of this part of Spain. Jordi Cruz, Samantha Nagera and Pepe Rodriguez were spotted at the Blay Beach Restaurant and later on dining at Peix i Brases with three Michelin starred local chef Quique Dacosta, a regular on the programme. Both judges and chefs from the hugely popular...

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